Questions about CBD?

Simply put, Cannabinoid Therapy is a way to use CBD and other parts of the plant to help your body stay in balance.

Even though hemp/cannabis use is now legal in most states, the stigma remains, which can make it frustratingly difficult to find healthcare providers who are well informed about its benefits and risks.

From a well-informed and compassionate place, I can support you in navigating your relationship with cannabis.

How do I get started with medical cannabis?

If you’re ready to explore medical cannabis, I am here to prioritize patient education. I will talk with you about the different kinds of CBD products available today so you can make an informed decision about what’s right for you and your lifestyle goals. 

Finding the right dosage for you can help alleviate your symptoms and give you quality of life. We are focused on helping people get the best results with cannabis.

Cannabinoid Therapy Consultation

If choosing cannabis as a therapy is something you would like to consider, let’s start the conversation.

Not ready to start but would like more information?

Why are people are taking CBD and other parts of the plant to help with ailments? You can schedule a session to go over any questions you may have!



Cannabis Revealed by Dr. Bonni Goldstein

Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana 

Chronic Relief: A Guide to Cannabis for the Terminally and Chronically Ill


CNN Part 1-3 by Dr. Sanjay Gupta

CNN Part 4 by Dr. Sanjay Gupta

Cannabis Education from Healer

Michelle Smith is a Certified Cannabis Patient Care Professional. Cert #177448